
Building Resilience: Coping with Trauma, Adversity, and More

Over the years, we’ve worked with thousands of people coping with varying degrees of stress, trauma, and adversity. With this, comes an organic study of how people come to handle life’s challenges and how they come upon resilience. Some erroneously believe that being resilient means that you don’t struggle  or have difficult emotions or experiences,Continue reading Building Resilience: Coping with Trauma, Adversity, and More

holiday coping

Holiday Coping Guide

For some, the winter holidays aren’t all festivities and fun. They might be fraught with discomfort or distress. Experiences of grief, loneliness, anxiety, and an uptick in trauma symptoms are not uncommon. We’ve assembled some tips in this holiday coping guide to help get you through the season. Acknowledge your struggle. Acknowledge that this timeContinue reading Holiday Coping Guide

coping with infertility

Coping with Infertility

The Trauma of Infertility Coping with infertility can be one of the most trying experiences you face, with the process challenging you physically, emotionally, financially – and for many – spiritually. Often, folks struggling with infertility end up experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health outcomes. Relationships and responsibilities can suffer, self-esteem can plummet, andContinue reading Coping with Infertility

sexual assault

Sexual Assault and Alcohol Use

CW: rape/sexual assault The Ford/Kavanaugh case has engendered numerous discussions about the connection between drinking and sexual assault. People – even in the mental health profession – are speculating about the accuracy of Dr. Ford’s report given her (reportedly minor) alcohol consumption around the time of her assault. Others are wondering whether or not KavanaughContinue reading Sexual Assault and Alcohol Use