
Recovering from Perfectionism

I had a mentor once, whose mentor who had instructed him, “It’s important to make five mistakes a day.” While for many, this might seem to be an easy assignment, accomplished quickly through wrong turns while driving, incorrect references in speech, maybe forgetting to throw the laundry in the dryer, perhaps an errant email spelling,Continue reading Recovering from Perfectionism

new year

Permission for the New Year

For many, the New Year is filled with cocktails and celebrations, hope and possibility, and family and friends. For others, the holiday might be difficult, potentially fraught with anxiety and regret. Part of the challenge that some of us experience might result from the expectations we typically attach to the new year – expectations ofContinue reading Permission for the New Year


Tips for Managing Anxiety and Maintaining Sobriety During Holiday Family Functions

Guest blog by Jennifer Scott Some people feel dread when it comes to celebrating the end-of-year holidays. Their dread often centers on having to spend the holidays with difficult family members, who somehow always manage to bring negativity to holiday events, creating the opposite of joy and cheer. What happens when family gatherings also tendContinue reading Tips for Managing Anxiety and Maintaining Sobriety During Holiday Family Functions

The Good Enough Mom

The Good Enough Mom

The Perfect Mom Are you a Pinterest-worthy mother? Do you create edible dioramas, crafted only out of bamboo shavings, low-glycemic fruit, and unconditional love? Have you found the perfect tipping point in meditating alongside little one, balancing modeling a spiritual practice and self-control, while attending to the ever-flowing needs of baby? Do you playfully conjugateContinue reading The Good Enough Mom