coping with infertility

Coping with Infertility

The Trauma of Infertility Coping with infertility can be one of the most trying experiences you face, with the process challenging you physically, emotionally, financially – and for many – spiritually. Often, folks struggling with infertility end up experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health outcomes. Relationships and responsibilities can suffer, self-esteem can plummet, andContinue reading Coping with Infertility

weight and IVF

Weight and IVF: What the Research Says about Intentional Weight Loss and Fertility

Weight and Infertility If you are struggling with infertility or considering IVF, and you also happen to live in a larger body, chances are your RE (reproductive endocrinologist, aka fertility doctor) has recommended you lose weight. Some clinics may even limit access to IVF treatment to women below a certain BMI. Often, REs don’t specifyContinue reading Weight and IVF: What the Research Says about Intentional Weight Loss and Fertility