504 plans and IEPs

504 Plans and IEPs: Getting Your Children the Help They Need

What Are 504 Plans and IEPs? If your child is struggling in school due to physical, emotional or behavioral issues, it might be time to look into services and supports to facilitate their learning. Physical conditions, learning disorders, psychiatric conditions, and developmental disorders can impact a student’s progress, but thankfully, there are resources in place,Continue reading 504 Plans and IEPs: Getting Your Children the Help They Need

youth sports

The Psychology of Youth Sports: What We Continue To Get Wrong

Participating in sports offers our kids so many benefits: physical activity, teamwork, working toward goals, socialization, fun, and more. Unfortunately, there are some aspects of youth sports that are harmful and detract from the multiple benefits. Here are five observations (as an ex-athlete, a graduate of a master’s program in sport psychology/clinical psychologist, and aContinue reading The Psychology of Youth Sports: What We Continue To Get Wrong

half smile and willing hands

Half-Smile and Willing Hands – Parenting with DBT: A Series on Effective Parenting Strategies

The Mind-Body Connection: Half-Smile and Willing Hands Think of a stressful parenting situation you’ve been in lately.  . . riding out a tantrum, getting homework done, confronting your teen about a lie. How were you feeling? What were you thinking? Were you aware of any sensations in your body? We often think about how situationsContinue reading Half-Smile and Willing Hands – Parenting with DBT: A Series on Effective Parenting Strategies

youth sports

Youth Sports: 10 Reasons to Participate that Have Nothing to Do with Weight

Why Youth Sports? As someone who studied sport psychology before moving on to clinical, I learned the many benefits of youth sport participation. When children participate in sports, they mature physically, socially, and emotionally. What I find disturbing is a recent spate of advertising for youth sport touting weight loss as a motivation or primaryContinue reading Youth Sports: 10 Reasons to Participate that Have Nothing to Do with Weight


ABC PLEASE Skills – Parenting with DBT: A Series on Effective Parenting Strategies

Things are out of control at home. The days are long and challenging. Emotions run high. Tempers flare,  you bump up against your child’s emotions, and you lose control. Sometimes, things are so intense that it feels like you won’t make it until bedtime intact. You’re worried, frustrated, and even feel like life is devoidContinue reading ABC PLEASE Skills – Parenting with DBT: A Series on Effective Parenting Strategies

radical acceptance

Radical Acceptance – Parenting with DBT: A Series on Effective Parenting Strategies

You’re so sick of saying the same things. “Marco, pick up your socks.” “Vanessa, stop hitting your brother.” “Monique, put down your phone and do your homework.” Sometimes, you sound like a broken record, complaining about the same things your child is or isn’t doing.  And the truth is, you just can’t take it anymore.Continue reading Radical Acceptance – Parenting with DBT: A Series on Effective Parenting Strategies